UDAP or CDP? Which will you choose?

Customer Data Platforms (CDP) are on the rise. Perhaps you are even one of the 78% of surveyed companies that the 2018 Forbes Report identified as having or in the process of developing a CDP. The desire for it is obvious: to use the myriad of digital customer touch points to extract value and insights that, for example, increase revenue or retention through an enhanced customer experience. The promise a CDP […]

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Hiding in plain sight

“I can’t see you, so you can’t see me!” Do you remember that childhood misconception? The idea that if you close your eyes then you’re invisible. Unfortunately, fraudsters are not that naïve and nor are you. So when it comes to fraud just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. In a data rich environment with millions of transactions a day, it’s all too easy for criminals […]

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Data Intelligence – connecting the dots

_ _ _ … _ _ _ In case you’re wondering, that’s Morse Code. Meaningless if you can’t decipher it, yet informative when you can. Of course, that’s assuming that you notice it in the first place – but we’ll get to that later. This sequence denotes the letters “O – S – O”.  Still cryptic? Intentionally so to highlight the fact that disparate pieces of data require context and […]

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